about Chinese Character Search System
1. What is the Chinese Character Search Systems?
This is an assisting tool for bi-directional search of ISO/IEC 10646
Chinese characters and components, namely, you can search from component
to all the Chinese characters containing that component and from a
character to all the components contained in the character. This on-line
search can support input either in Big5, GB, or Unicode.
2. How to
input Chinese characters or components for searching?
To input Chinese characters or components for searching, we can
either use common Chinese input methods provided by your system,
Internal code in hexadecimal form, or choose from a component image
table provided by the system which can be downloaded from your browser.
3. What
are the variation types of the components in the systems?
The variation types of the components include, Variants (components
with similar shapes, different only due to position of the component,
such as "ۓ"
and " "),
related (components that are not necessarily similar in shape but
are historically related, such as "ۧ"
and " "), Similar
(not necessarily related components, but with similar shape that
might be mis-represented¡Asuch as "€g"
and "€h").
4. What
is the supplementary information for the systems?
Some supplementary information was provided for characters include
encoding standards (Unicode, Big5, GB), dictionary sources (KangXi
and HanYuDa Zi Dian), sources (Chinese, Japan, Korean, or HKSCS),
and other information such as Piyin or Chinese Component (CC-) code.